Monday, July 24, 2017

The Role of Fiber in a Diabetic Diet

The role of fiber in healthy diets is very essential – it helps in digestion and retain your
colon and other organs healthy and working suitably.  It is also a wonder part that should be a big amount of any diabetic’s diet.  You will acquire many benefits from containing fiber in your diet.  If you are pre-diabetic it can help in deferring the diagnosis of diabetes or if you are already diabetic, it can help to preserve your blood glucose under control.

Fiber will retain you feeling fuller longer – it decelerates the change of carbohydrates in your body which in turn can make your blood sugars on normal level..  The kind of fiber that a diabetic needs to consume to get these benefits is soluble fiber (liquefies in water).  Some good sources of soluble fiber include:

  • Choosing whole grain or whole wheat foods instead of white (flour, breads, and cereals).
  • Eating fresh fruit and vegetables instead of handled or drinking them in liquid form.
  • Beans, use dried beans in your desired recipes like chili for a wholesome, high-fiber meal.

To make sure that you are getting the most benefit from eating bigger amount of fiber, make sure that you are drinking at least eight glasses of water a day.  Remember, this fiber dissolves in water and you need to keep hydrated for it to work suitably.

If you are on a carbohydrate counting diet and are using 15 grams of carbohydrates for one serving you can increase the amount you are eating if that item has high-fiber content.  You can subtract the number of grams of fiber in a serving from the number of carbohydrates.  For instance if you are eating an item that has 20 grams of carbohydrates (over the one serving limit) but it has five grams of fiber you can subtract the five from the twenty and it is now only a 15 gram serving.

1 comment:

  1. I’m a type 2 diabetic and on insulin. My A1C was 10.5 and triglycerides were over 600. At the age of 40, my health was failing fast. Looking for a solution to my problem I found a natural method to combat diabetes, you can see for yourself here:
    After just ten days – and with my doctor’s permission – I was able to stop taking insulin and my other diabetes medication. I’m back, working out several times a week, and walking a mile every night. I’ve been able to stay awake in the evenings enjoying my wife’s company instead of sleeping in the chair. My blood sugars are back into normal fasting range after meals. . It has changed my life.
